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Screen time hurting eyes promotion glasses on yellow background with laptop, tablet and phone

Does screen time actually hurt your eyes?

How much time do you spend looking at a screen each day? Does screen time actually hurt our eyes? We live in one of the most mobile-centric nations in the…

different flavoured smoothies with fruit on white background

Combat acid attack on teeth

Our teeth work hard throughout life and don’t get much of a rest. They endure incredible forces as they chew and grind our food. The hard-protective layer on the outer…

pink lips with professionally whitened teeth

Tips to get whiter teeth

As a hygienist, most of my patients are constantly asking for tips to get whiter teeth. Unfortunately, it’s not a simple answer. It depends on the type of stain or…

Cancer and oral care for lady in black shirt with arms spread at beach

Cancer and Oral Care

Cancer is renowned for the devastating effect it can have on the human body but what most people don’t know is that cancer and the subsequent treatments can also have…

cocoa and chocolate on white background

Is Chocolate the new Fluoride?

Not just yet, but it could be! Fluoride and our oral health Fluoride is commonly known as the stuff in toothpaste that helps our teeth to stay strong. What many…

sleep apnea device shown on teeth

Sleep apnoea…what’s it all about?

Apnoea or apnea is Latin, meaning ‘breathless’ or wanting to breathe. It is a sleep disorder that affects 34% of Australians. During sleep apnoea, airflow to the lungs stops from…

Oral B power brush used on female teeth

Brushing with Oral B Oscillation changes the life of your teeth.

How healthy are your teeth? As a Hygienist for may years I have seen how the Oral B oscillation power toothbrush has changed the course of people’s oral health. Gum…

female with brunette hair and blue eyes smiling with whit teeth

Keep your smile for life

Did you know there are over 600 species of plaque growing in your mouth? These bacteria grow around and between our teeth and gums and, if not removed, may lead…

female showing her sensitive teeth

Sensitive teeth

Sensitive teeth are a common problem and has been extensively studied by researchers over the years. Teeth react to stimuli received by the nerve in the tooth. Often teeth will…