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young boy in white shirt laughing with puppy wearing red bow tie

Maintaining a healthy mouth

Did you know that eating habits play a major role in tooth decay? Sugars in the food and drinks we eat are taken up by bacteria, producing acids that attack…

person wearing beanie and shawl drinking from water bottle

Can dry eyes be cured?

Photo by Autri Taheri on Unsplash ‘Dry eye’ is an eye condition caused by the tear glands not working properly. The glands do not produce enough tears to keep the eye moist which…

male wearing button up shirt with hands in head

Alleviating stress with massage

An occasional massage leaves you feeling great, but regular massage can do so much more because the work your therapist does in each session builds on itself. Stress is universal,…

female in activewear stretching

Why Pilates?

Did you know that Pilates help develop the perfect balance between body and mind?

In the 1940s, Joseph Pilates developed a system of exercises promoting perfect balance between strength and flexibility.

feet in Nike running shoes

Helping you put your best foot forward

When people think about Podiatry, the first service that often comes to mind is toenail cutting and the removal of hard skin (callus) from the heels. What many people don’t realise though is that a Podiatrist can do so much more for your feet and lower limbs.