Category: Media/Press

pink lips with professionally whitened teeth

Tips to get whiter teeth

As a hygienist, most of my patients are constantly asking for tips to get whiter teeth. Unfortunately, it’s not a simple answer. It depends on the type of stain or…

Cancer and oral care for lady in black shirt with arms spread at beach

Cancer and Oral Care

Cancer is renowned for the devastating effect it can have on the human body but what most people don’t know is that cancer and the subsequent treatments can also have…

cocoa and chocolate on white background

Is Chocolate the new Fluoride?

Not just yet, but it could be! Fluoride and our oral health Fluoride is commonly known as the stuff in toothpaste that helps our teeth to stay strong. What many…

sleep apnea device shown on teeth

Sleep apnoea…what’s it all about?

Apnoea or apnea is Latin, meaning ‘breathless’ or wanting to breathe. It is a sleep disorder that affects 34% of Australians. During sleep apnoea, airflow to the lungs stops from…

female showing her sensitive teeth

Sensitive teeth

Sensitive teeth are a common problem and has been extensively studied by researchers over the years. Teeth react to stimuli received by the nerve in the tooth. Often teeth will…

young girl with brown curly hair

Dental care with Dr. Jenny Wang

Part 1: Oral health for kids By 3 years of age most kids will have all 20 primary baby teeth. Even though baby teeth will eventually be replaced by adult…

young boy in white shirt laughing with puppy wearing red bow tie

Maintaining a healthy mouth

Did you know that eating habits play a major role in tooth decay? Sugars in the food and drinks we eat are taken up by bacteria, producing acids that attack…

person wearing beanie and shawl drinking from water bottle

Can dry eyes be cured?

Photo by Autri Taheri on Unsplash ‘Dry eye’ is an eye condition caused by the tear glands not working properly. The glands do not produce enough tears to keep the eye moist which…

male wearing button up shirt with hands in head

Alleviating stress with massage

An occasional massage leaves you feeling great, but regular massage can do so much more because the work your therapist does in each session builds on itself. Stress is universal,…