During an initial appointment, your Podiatrist will ask you to describe any current problems or complaints regarding your feet and lower limbs. They may follow up with a number of different questions that aim to help get a better picture of your symptoms and concerns. Based on the information you provide, your podiatrist will usually undertake a focused assessment of the problem area, which may be supplemented with a more detailed examination either at that appointment or during a follow up appointment, depending on the complexity of the problem. An explanation of findings will usually follow along with any initial treatment, advice, and follow-up recommendations as required.
Questions are always welcome and the best time to ask is during your appointment. For example, if there is something you want to know about your condition or your treatment options, please feel free to ask the Podiatrist.
At the conclusion of your appointment, the Podiatrist will discuss the need for any review or follow-up appointments. This may be to receive further treatment, get the results of any scans or to follow-up on what was done in your consultation. Depending on your diagnosis and treatment plan, you may also be prescribed some tasks to perform at home.