Member – Audit and Risk Management Committee
- Bachelor of Arts
- Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary)
- Harvard University Trade Union Program
- Member – QTU/ AEU
- Member – Australian Institute of Company Directors
- Member – Industrial Relations Society of Queensland
- Committee member – AEU International Trust Fund
Graham Moloney is the General Secretary (Chief Executive) of the Queensland Teachers’ Union (QTU). Under TUH’s constitution the General Secretary of the Queensland Teachers’ Union is an ex officio member of the Board. Graham is also a Trustee of the Australian Education Union (AEU) International Trust Fund which provides overseas funding and assistance to teachers in foreign countries. Graham was a Director of TUH between 1997 and 2003. Graham has a sound understanding of the private health insurance industry, TUH’s prudential and legal obligations, and significant management experience. He also has a strong background in the fund’s prime market and will make a valuable contribution to the Board’s deliberations.